
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What to wear in Norway?

"There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing", says the Norwegian.

I checked the weather today and as usual, RAIN. 23mm of it before 12!  With a warning for Hordaland (Bergen): fra i kveld og først på tirsdag lokalt bye nedbør. Translation, from tonight to early Thursday heavy rainfall.  Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind the rain. I just don't like being cold and wet.

Only grey rain clouds to be seen on the forecast.  No surprise there.
So, I begin my task of getting dressed for the day.  What do you wear in Norway, where there is an average of 88cm and 275 days of rain each year (Seattle is at about 36cm and 158 days per year)??  Well, what would you wear if you had to get in the shower and stay dry and warm?  You may laugh, but really, it sometimes feels like the same thing.

There are some "regularly" warn items here in Norway that I would have laughed at a few months ago.  Today, I wish I had one. Oh, wait, I think I do!!

The "Norwegian Jumpsuit that has been dubbed the adult babygro".  Ok, people don't wear this out normally, but I have seen it at least twice (in public).  I won't lie, if I had one of these, I might even wear it.  It looks cozy.  

Look closely, and it's warm outside???

Since, I don't walk around sporting this fabulous one piece, I try and find an alternative.  I look at it as a two part equation, the under layer and the outer layer.  The under layer simply consists of what I would wear out on a chilly day anywhere.  I have learned that the outer layer jacket and shoes are the most important. 

My rubber rain boots have become the most useful pair of shoes I own.  Sometimes walking to the bus stop (downhill) in the rain can be like walking through a shallow stream.  Only rubber boots will keep your feet from getting wet.  And of course, I bring my other slip on shoes with me to school so I don't have to walk around in boots all day.

A waterproof jacket with a hood is the best. An important thing to remember is that Rain in Norway doesn't always come from above.  Rain pants are also very important, especially on the days I have to stand outside with the kids and the rain is coming at you sideways.  

An umbrella.  I love my umbrella.  Unfortunately, I can't always count on it to work.  Another important reason to have your rain jacket with a hood!  It can get windy and there is nothing worse than a bent backwards umbrella.  Bergen is sometimes called the "umbrella graveyard" after all of the broken and sad umbrellas people leave on the streets.  Poor, sad umbrellas. 

I'd like to think that my pretty, flowered umbrella will brighten any day, but as you can see...still gloomy. 

Another umbrella having seen the end of its days.

My last, very important item is a big bag.  I prefer a big purse that I can fit my book, extra shoes, socks, lunch and my wallet inside.  As long as it can squish comfortably on a crowded bus and fits all of my stuff, it works for me!!

If you're going running outside, just expect to get wet.  Run harder and the chill might feel good.  And if you're going out to the pub, just disregard all of the above.  Rain, sleet, hail, snow.  It's all the same.  Wear a dress, leggings and heels of course.  Because it's not cold or difficult to walk downhill on cobblestone streets in that!!   

Monday, September 10, 2012

Norway vs. the US in Everyday Life

Gas stations, chatty people, Starbucks, traffic, shopping malls, air conditioning, DVR, happy hour, highways, mani/pedis, 24 hour fitness, draughts and 40 hours/week.  These are all things that remind me of everyday life back in Colorado.

Cobblestone streets, wooden houses, orange buses, broken umbrellas, Friele coffee, a blue stone, Hansa, hills,  rain boots, sandwiches, the fish market, wool, cruise ships, drumming, and rain.  These are all things that remind me of daily life in Bergen.

It's interesting how small things can make such a huge difference in a persons everyday life.  When I was visiting Colorado this summer, I realized that I barely walked.  You can park and walk less than 50 steps to get anywhere you want, and sometimes you don't even need to get out of the car. Drive thru food, coffee, pharmacies and even banks are everywhere.  There are new types of tasty (aka fatty) food creations everywhere, a fried chicken sandwich with bacon, cheese and a fried egg, bacon, lettuce and fried pickle sandwiches and my favorite...salted oreo milkshakes!  I saw a news report that an average of 30% of the american population is obese. Not overweight, but obese.  In Norway, you walk to the bus, to work, out the grocery store.  Even in the rain.  You don't have cheap and unhealthy food accessible to you at anytime, anywhere.  It's difficult to find 15 different types of the same processed foods in the grocery stores. And you also do not see 30% of the population being obese (Norway's number is 8.3%).  There is no effort needed to get up and moving a little bit everyday, and that is refreshing.

Look closely. Salted peanut butter cup. Surprisingly delicious!!

Communication styles and attitudes are also extremely different in these two places, and it was easy to recognize when visiting Colorado.  Coloradans are known for being very friendly.  "How are you?" is a normal greeting.  A smile is expected when running past a fellow runner on the path or sitting across from someone on a bus.  Small talk is part of everyday life, checking out at the grocery store, waiting in line for coffee, or taking a break at work.  Norwegians are known for being a little colder, unless you know them or if they've had a few drinks.  Many people see this as a negative but I have realized how nice it is to know when someone is talking to you, and asking you how you are, they are being sincere.  There aren't as many superficial people and conversations.  It is also refreshing as sometimes you just want to keep your mouth closed.

Stress.  The reason I left my job in Denver and one big thing I do not miss.  People in Norway stress, but not like they do in the states. You work to live, you don't live to work.  I think this is a huge distinction between the "normal" lifestyle in the US vs. Norway.  If you are sick, you have time off to get better.  If you have a baby, you and your husband most likely can take time off.  If you have a family commitment, sick child or emergency, most of the time you can leave work without the risk of losing your job.  I can honestly say I love not dreaming about work every night and waking dreading my upcoming day in the office.

Now that I have been in Norway long enough to feel comfortable and settled, I have gotten used to the everyday life.  I love walking, looking at the people walking down the streets and enjoying some peaceful time to myself.  I feel healthier and more rounded.  I enjoy spending time with my friends, talking about things I care about and skipping the superficial chit chat.  Even though I don't have a permanent, full time job, I stress 90% less than I did in Colorado.

I won't lie and say I don't miss an iced coffee from Starbucks, a $25 mani/pedi or driving to the grocery store.  But I've inherited new habits and daily pleasures.  Painting my own fingers and toes, sitting for a cup of coffee and a chat with a friend and my weekly running group and Norwegian pilates class.  Every person is different and Norway might not be ideal for everyone.  But for the time being, Norway is my top pick.
